Look Here About Yoga Swing AeroYoga®, Aerial Pilates and Teacher Training in Spain
Aero yoga is a Unique and exclusive gravity free working method.
Call to (34) 91 457 22 15 and (34) 658 644 769.
Contact The Aero Yoga Institute: aeroyoga@aeroyoga.es
Contact The Aero Yoga Institute: aeroyoga@aeroyoga.es
Aero Yoga is a very different, fascinating, creative, ludic and effective physical and psychological working technique. Know more here: www.aeroyoga.tv
This is a new yoga and fitness method created by Rafael Martinez with almost 30 years of experience in the yoga teaching and practice around the world, designed to enhanced perfect health, consciousness and the total beauty of the being.
Aero Yoga comprises notions of Natha Yoga, Ayurveda, Anatomy, Physiotherapy, Health, Nutrition , Aromatherapy Applied to Aero Yoga.
Containing a great variety of exercises and a series of postures and very well defined and studied movements, with multiple objectives that works from rehabilitation and physiotherapy to Acrobats, Ayurveda Rasayanas, Yogalates and Aero Pilates.
Aero yoga postures and exercises are practiced with the aid of a yoga swing.
This device, created with an exclusive design for Aero Yoga Institute, you can´t find it anywhere else.
This device, created with an exclusive design for Aero Yoga Institute, you can´t find it anywhere else.
Rafael Martinez is the first person introducing the Yoga in the Swing in Europe (for the 'Sprit Yoga' Magazine the AeroYoga Institute is the firts teacher training institution in Europe) with a complete teacher training protocol, developing the unique body, mind and breathing integrated system in itself.
For more info about the teacher training look here aerialyoga.tv (english text)
For more info about the teacher training look here aerialyoga.tv (english text)
Aero Yoga base its roots in the oldest traditions of Ayurveda and Natha Yoga that are the grounds of each exercise with this modern instrument, and its main objectives are to strength the body, rejuvenation, muscular fitness, breathing and digestive tone, deep relaxation and Yoga Nidra improving stress and anxiety...
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