27 julio 2015

Vaihayasa Yoga: New Aerial Yoga Teacher Training in Mexico DF by AeroYoga® International

Foto de Rafael Martínez.

Text & Pic by Rafael Martínez in ‪#‎AeroYoga‬ International-
by @AeroYoga Instagram ·

CONTACT!:  Mail aeroyoga@aeroyoga.info   Whatsapp +34 680905699    Web aeroyoga.us

 Beginning ‪#‎Today‬ in ‪#‎Mexico‬ ‪#‎DF‬ a New International AeroYoga - ‪#‎AeroPilates‬ ‪#‎TeacherTraining‬ Welcome Every‪#‎Body‬ !
More info about de first International AeroYoga® AerialPIlates® International method in Europe and America, click on our page www.aerial-yoga.com

IAYT Member Schools primarily include schools and individuals with yoga therapy training programs.  Please visit the websites for schools in which you are interested for details about their programs.

AeroYoga® is an artistic method of personal growth byRafael Martinez.
Rafael Martinez by AeroYoga® International support the American ArtTherapy Association. Rafael Martinez, bachelor in Fine Arts, introduce the ArtTherapy in his trainings programs .

CONTACT!:  Mail aeroyoga@aeroyoga.info   Whatsapp +34 680905699    Web aeroyoga.us

CONTACT!:  Mail aeroyoga@aeroyoga.info   Whatsapp +34 680905699    Web aeroyoga.us

AEROYOGA aerial pilates fitness

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