28 octubre 2015

Aerial Yoga Pose & Benefits by Rafael Martinez

Foto de Rafael Martínez.

HOW TO DO… The Vaihayasa Bhujangasana (AeroYoga® Aerial Cobra pose) & BENEFITS

Text & Pic by Rafael Martínez, Creator of AeroYoga® international Method. Click here to conect with Rafael 

MAIL: aeroyoga@aeroyoga.info WhatsApp: +34 680 905 699
www.aeroyogausa.com (english)
www.aeroyoga.es (español)

HOW TO DO… The Vaihayasa Bhujangasana (AeroYoga® Aerial Cobra pose) & BENEFITS
1-Starting from a suspended position (Bat Man or Vaihayasa Sirsasana), Lay your belly on the hammock and place your hands on the grips of the swing aligned with your shoulders.
2-Open your chest off while you press your hands down, energetically stretching the legs back extending your feet.
3-Hold here from1 to 3 minutes, then go to relax on the batman pose (Vaihayasa Sirsasana-suspended upside down position).
This aerial pose improve strength in arms and shoulders and the spatial orientation, blood end energy circulation in the spinal and pelvic region (abdominal muscle tone).
Stretch muscles in the shoulders and chest, which opens your chest and nourish your respiratory system and heart, improve your energy levels.
Restore your overall mood (self steem).

-Text and pic by Rafael Martinez, from AeroYoga® International. 

*Ask to your doctor about any healrh problem before do Aeroyoga
More on this article by Aero Yoga International agregó 4 fotos nuevas al álbum Aerial Yoga New Poses & Benefits* — con Romina Lavín y 8 personas más.
In this Album: AeroYoga® International with Rafael Martinez, present a series of AeroYoga ® original poses, with its benefits for health* & physical Well-Being, with possible positive effects for emotional and mental* level, including a breathing and spiritually nourishing effect.
LOOK at this COMPLETE ALBUM ON FACEBOOK HEREwww.facebook.com/media/set/…
MAIL: aeroyoga@aeroyoga.info WhatsApp: +34 680 905 699
www.aeroyogausa.com (english)
www.aeroyoga.es (español)
www.yogaaerien.com (français)
www.iogaaeri.cat (català)
Aero Yoga International
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Aero Yoga International gracias por compartir la experiencia AeroYoga® International! Asociacion Nacional de Aero Yoga
Rosmary Delgado Quiero practicarla!!!
Ya no me gustaResponderEnviar mensaje19 de marzo a las 18:24
Su Espinosa Gracias! Excelente, Feliz Navidad!

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